
Ok. So, life is meaningless. Don't ask me for the explanation on that one. Just grant me that assumption for a second.

I know, it's like a joke now. "Why bother, life is meaningless anyway." But that's not it. It's not that life is meaningless and therefore has no value. No, meaning and value are two different things. Existence and a goal are two different things. You can have value without meaning but you can't have meaning without value. You can have existence without a goal, but you can't have a goal without existence. Well, there isn't meaning, there isn't a goal. But there is value, there is existence.

So, what do we value? I'm not sure what the correct answer is, but I'll tell you what I think it is: creation. What greater thing can you do than create something--to make something come into existence. To bring forth something from nothing. How could you ask to do anything better than that. It's simply miraculous that power we have. I can write a song. I can put words on paper. I can build the house that I live in. I can give life to the children that live in it too. I speak words. Fuck it, I can make up my own words. I can do so many things. Things that were never done before; completely original things. What is better than that?

So, just because there is nothing about us as human beings that gives us a purpose, a meaning, or a focus; just because we aren't teleological beings like JC and all his disciples like you to believe doesn't mean that life isn't worth living, right? There are still things to create. Who needs a god when you can be god?